Our Mini Meditation Kit fits seamlessly into your home, ensuring your practice fits seamlessly into your life.
We love the versatility of our Small Rectangular Bolster; this bolster serves as a meditation cushion, yoga prop and home cushion. The organic buckwheat filling provides firm and gentle support in your practice and recreation.
Our two-tone fringed organic cotton blanket is a versatile prop for meditation and yoga practice, as well as a chic addition to any home. Relax further into your Savasana with a scented eye pillow.
THE BLANKET: Layer the Organic Cotton Yoga Blanket underneath your bolster during meditation to provide additional support for ankles and knees, lay flat for restorative poses or snuggle into extra layer of warmth on the sofa.
THE RECTANGULAR BOLSTER: Small and versatile; lay it flat for a comfortable seat during meditation, use as a prop in yoga practice or as the perfect supportive cushion on the sofa.
THE EYE PILLOW: The gentle weight of our organic cotton eye pillow helps the muscles around the eyes to soften and relax, whilst the lavender scent aids sleep and deep rest.
This kit includes:
Get kitted out for your practice
At hardbackhollow we have used all of our passion and knowledge to create the perfect kit for every yogi. Check out our range of carefully curated hardbackhollow kits and find the perfect match for you and your loved ones.